Colorado Leftover Hunting Tags (Sortable)


Our Colorado Leftover hunting tag tool has been a long time in the making. It started out as back in 2018.. then life happened and the project hit the back burner. Ehh.. that's too generous, it didn't hit the back burner, it found itself in a box and moved to an external storage lot.

Then came 2019 and I'm filling out my Colorado hunting tag and getting frustrated: "UGH, I why can't there be a sortable tool to view preference point information instead of this ridiculous PDF??? Oh yeah, because I haven't built it yet." But I don't have time! So I laboriously struggle squinting, zooming in, scrolling, zooming out trying to the latest preference point information for the units that I want to hunt.

2020, 2021, 2022 came and went with me saying pretty much the same thing every year.

Then 2023 came. Ok, this is ENOUGH!

I want, no I need, a tool where I can view, sort and search for Colorado hunt codes and view all of the data in one place. I would like to have a Secondary Draw list and Leftover list that shows the units available AND the preference point data along with it.

Not only that, but I would like to get a notification if a hunt code that I'm targeting becomes available.

And here we are. The tool is complete. Well version 1 is complete.

Check this out: 

Whoa, in 2023, Colorado had a 5 preference point leftover Deer tag in unit 201 for archery!

 Think this is amazing. Check out the secondary draw results

Yes, the secondary draw is done by the Colorado division of wildlife. So the chances of getting those two tags are tough. BUT, here's a tool that makes it easy to sort the tags by preference points.

Why is this amazing? It's a game changer for how we approach building & using preference points in Colorado!

Here's some background. Back in 2019 I went on a trophy hunt in unit 61 for archery. It took 20 years to get this tag. While I did return it twice because my dad was trying to get the muzzleloader tag at the same time, I was restricted to OTC for archery. 

Let me say that again, I was restricted to OTC for archery for 20 years!!!! OMG!!! 

For those of you don't know. Who have never hunted OTC here in Colorado... ITS BRUTAL. Everybody and their pet monky's uncle is out here doing jumping jacks in the woods while archery elk hunting. Ok, they may not be doing jumping-jacks, however it DEFINETLY sounds like it!!!

With that being said, I have to get out of OTC. 

Being able to build up your preference points for a trophy unit AND being able to hunt limited leftover through 3 preference point elk units (6pp deer units) is mind-blowing!

Now what is my strategy? I use this tool to view what units are available, how many preference points they have and make a game plan for which units I want to target. 

How does it work?

This year, I was able to get a 2 preference point elk unit in the leftover draw!

No I'm  not going to let you know which unit I'm hunting :)

View the Colorado hunting Preference Point data here

As of right now the notification aspect of the tool is not available to the general public, but the basic functionality is. 

Let me know your thoughts on these tools and if you have any suggestions. 

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How I'm Hunting A 2 Preference Point Elk Unit In C...


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Wednesday, 26 June 2024